
(n). a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

UN investigator sees evidence of war crimes in Gaza

NO SHIT! :-o

Richard Falk by the way is jewish himself and was expelled from Israel a few weeks before the launch of Israel's bloody campaign. He was interviewed by the terrorist news network Al Jazeera by the equally terror striking Ghida Fakhry.

No more than 600 died in Gaza

For all those of you who were reporting over 1000 killed in Gaza, take your sources and shove em. Jerusalem post has concluded that Israel only killed 600 and that conclusively proves that Israel is not the aggressor anymore because 600 murdered is a much more humane number than 1000 murdered.

This info is based on tour of the hospitals in gaza and looking at the number of dead there and using that as a yardstick to measure the number of deaths. You know this reminds me of a sketch from 50-50, a Saturday Night Live type show in Pakistan from the 70's. In the sketch pakistan's health minister was being interviewed. The host ask him what were his thoughts about pakistan's health crisis, to which the minister replied that there was no crisis! And his reasoning was that since one hospital has 250 beds, and all beds were full and theres no other sick people in the hospital, that follows that no one else is sick.

Many more thoughts bubble in my mind but the rush of blood prevents them from being transcribed. Just one word keeps resurfacing: BULLSHIT

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


We can come up with perfect solutions, perfect ideologies, perfect institutions. But in practice, nothing is perfect. We can talk about em, we can write about em, but we can't ever physically materialize anything perfect.

For example a perfect car is one that gives 100% efficiency for the fuel we supply it with. One that gives no sound, no heat, only translational motion. But in practice it is impossible to create such a car.

Capitalism similarly is something which many believe is a perfect institution, but like anything else is far from perfect in practice (and in theory too IMHO). So my question to those people who unashamedly blare the trumpets of capitalism, now that we have established that its not perfect, is that can you play the devil's advocate for yourselves and sit down and write down things that are not right about capitalism. I can list a whole lot myself but i'd like some champions of capitalism to sit down and list its problems.

Wonder what Obama would have to say.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Turn down the lights

Google / Youtube has done it again. This time in the form of a new very nifty feature called "Turn Down the Lights". What it is is a small lightbulb above every youtube video which, when pressed, dims the entire contents of the page except for the video itself. Kinda like how the lights in a theatre get dimmed down when the feature presentation starts.

Apart from the aesthetic aspect, it really does help relax your eyes even if its just a wee bit.

Not something you can't live without but very smart nonetheless. I have a feeling this will grow on people very quickly eventually turning into a feature you can't live without. Okay maybe not exactly not something you can't live without.

Monday, January 19, 2009


So the accord just turned 400,000 km and still going strong. Hit the milestone somewhere on I-69 in Michigan and it was dark already so couldnt get a pic of the actual mark. Do have some before and after pics though.

Got the timing belt replaced last August so doesn't hesitate to touch the red zone if asked to. And this is a car thats well past its best-by date.

Back again

I came, i saw, i blogged. Again.